Virginia Beach Surf Instructor


Hobbies: Surfing, Golf, Tennis, Ping Pong, & Fishing
Pets: 2 Dogs named Kirra (Golden Retriever) and Zeke (Wire-Fox Terrier)
Favorite Color: Green
Favorite Food: Sushi and Mexican
Favorite Surf Spot: Outer Banks North Carolina & Indonesia
Travel: Indonesia, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Hawaii, Barbados, Bahamas, Panama, Costa Rica, Fiji, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Nova Scotia, Peru, and all over the USA.
Magic Board: 5'9"x18 1/2 x 2 1/4" Yinger or Fernandez
Dream Surf Trip: A boat trip in Indonesia with friends.
Favorite Music: I like it all...depends on the day.
Favorite Quote: "Treat others as you wish to be treated." - The Golden Rule

Hobbies: Surfing, fishing, hunting
Pets: none
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Strawberries
Favorite Surf Spot: Cape Hatteras, NC
Travel: Puerto Rico, Hawaii, California, Nicaragua
Magic Board: wrv generator
Dream Surf Trip: a month in Bali
Favorite Music: Classic Rock
Favorite Quote: "Jim said that bees won't sting idiots, but I didn't believe that, because I tried them lots of times myself and they wouldn't sting me."

Hobbies: Soccer, hanging out with friends, exercising
Pets: 2 Dogs ,Cape (Rhodesian Ridgeback) Noosa (Australian Cattle Dog)
Favorite Color: Baby Blue
Favorite Food: Pizza, Fruit Bowls
Favorite Surf Spot: Dogs Man Beach
Travel: Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, Florida, Hatteras
Magic Board: 9'0" single fin longboard
Dream Surf Trip: Go to Australia
Favorite Music: Country
Favorite Quote: "Sandy toes sun kissed nose"

Hobbies: Surfing, Jiujitsu, Playing the Uke
Pets: Belgian Malinois (Duke)
Favorite Color: Color of the Ocean
Favorite Food: Anything on the menu at Zekes Beans and Bowls
Favorite Surf Spot: Swamis, CA
Travel: California, North Carolina, Florida
Magic Board: 7'6 "something special" Soft Tech
Dream Surf Trip: Trip to Snappers and Bells with a good group of friend
Favorite Music: Country/ Classic Rock
Favorite Quote: "Here's the thing, I know how to read a river better than you can read a book." - Tom (Without A Paddle)

Hobbies: Surfing, skating, swimming, and fishing
Pets: None
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Cheeseburgers and tacos
Favorite Surf Spot: Brandon's, Barbados
Travel: All over the east coast and Barbados
Magic Board: 5'9" wrv generator
Dream Surf Trip: Fiji with some good friends
Favorite Music: Alternative rock
Favorite Quote: He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.
-Muhammad Ali

Hobbies: Shaping surfboards, Surfing
Pets: French bulldog named poncho
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Food: Cheeseburgers
Favorite Surf Spot: Cape Hatteras Lighthouse
Travel: Costa Rica, California, North Carolina
Magic Board: 5'11 Mayhem
Dream Surf Trip: Boat trip in the Maldives with a bunch of good friends
Favorite Music: Rock n Roll
Favorite Quote: "If you ain't first your last!" - Ricky Bobby

Hobbies: Surfing, golfing, fishing, hunting, and hanging out with freinds
Pets: None
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Food: Quesadillas and pizza
Favorite Surf Spot: Little Malibu, Puerto Rico
Travel: Costa Rica, Puerto Rico, all over the east coast of America
Magic Board: 5'6" skyline
Dream Surf Trip: Indonesia or Fiji
Favorite Music: No preference
Favorite Quote: "I think, therefore I am."